Scranton is Pennsylvania’s sixth most populous city. Located in Lackawanna County, it is where the Dunder Mifflin Scranton offices are located. It is about 120 miles from New York City where the Dunder Mifflin Corporate Office is located and 150 miles from Utica, NY, where Dunder Mifflin Utica is found. It is popularly considered “the Paris of northeastern Pennsylvania”.
Scranton “The Office” Locations
While some Scranton locations are fictional, there are many references to the real Scranton, PA, in the show.
* Cooper’s Seafood *
Cooper’s Seafood is a seafood restaurant and an institution in Scranton since 1948.
It also features the Dunder Mifflin Gift Shop.
- In the episode “Branch Closing”, Kevin suggests having the office farewell lunch at Cooper’s.
- In the episode “The Merger”, Karen invites Jim to Cooper’s for drinks.
- In the episode “Beach Games“, Dwight wears a Cooper’s Seafood T-shirt.
- In the episode “Launch Party”, Dwight mentions that Cooper’s has calamari when Michael says he wants sushi.
- In the episode “Business Ethics”, Michael takes Holly to lunch at Cooper’s. In one of the shots in this scene, a statue of a captain is shown, another copy of which Andy is shown knocking off his desk in the season 8 title sequence.
- In the episode “The Banker”, Michael offers the investment banker a meal at Cooper’s.
Abe’s Deli
Abe’s Deli is a kosher deli in downtown Scranton.
- In the episode “The Carpet“, a flyer for Abe’s Deli can be seen on the side of the refrigerator in the kitchen.
Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe
Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe is a pizza restaurant in the South Side shopping complex in Scranton.
- In “Fun Run”, Toby states that he won a week of free pizza from Alfredo’s.
- In “Launch Party”, Michael accidentally orders pizza from Pizza by Alfredo as opposed to Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe (his employees’ preferred pizza place), but does order from “the better one” (the latter) at the end of the episode.
- In “Sabre,” Andy is seen taking out a pizza from Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe.
Anna Maria’s
- In the episode “Women’s Appreciation”, Jim tells Toby that he has decided to take Karen to Anna Maria’s for their six-month anniversary dinner. Anna Maria’s is located in Dunmore.
The Anthracite Heritage Museum
The Anthracite Heritage Museum in Scranton tells the story of coal mining in the Scranton area.
- In the episode “The Merger”, one verse of the “Lazy Scranton” video talks about (and is filmed at) the Anthracite Museum.
Auntie Anne’s
Auntie Anne’s is a national chain of pretzel stores. There is an Auntie Anne’s in the Steamtown Mall in downtown Scranton, as well as one in the food court of the Viewmont Mall in northern Scranton near Dickson City.
- In the episode “Drug Testing”, Kelly chatters about having had nothing to eat but a pretzel at Auntie Anne’s at the food court near the mall.
Bernie’s Tavern
Bernie’s Tavern is a pub in Scranton.
- In the episode “Email Surveillance”, Michael’s improvisational theater class goes out for drinks to Bernie’s Tavern.
Bishop O’Hara
Bishop O’Hara was one of several Catholic high schools in the Scranton area. It has since merged with Bishop Hannon High School, and the combined school is now known as Holy Cross.
- In the episode “Booze Cruise”, Katy tells Roy that she went to Bishop O’Hara, and Roy remembers her as having been a cheerleader there.
Boscov’s is a department store chain headquartered in Reading, Pennsylvania. The Scranton location is the sole anchor for The Marketplace at Steamtown after the closure of Bon-Ton in 2014.
- In the episode “Casual Friday”, Pam and Phyllis wear the same outfit to work. Pam asks Phyllis, “Boscov’s at the Steamtown Mall?” to which Phyllis replies, “It sure looked good on the mannequin.”
Brunetti’s Pizza
Brunetti’s Pizza was a family-owned pizza restaurant in Scranton.
- In the episode “Take Your Daughter to Work Day”, Ryan leaves to pick up pizzas from Brunetti’s.
- In the episode “The Negotiation”, Toby has a take-out menu from Brunetti’s Pizza tacked up in his cubicle.
Brunetti’s is known for its rectangular pizza. In the show, the pizza is circular.
Cadden’s Moving and Storage
Cadden’s Moving and Storage has a location in the neighboring town of Olyphant.
- In the episode “Dinner Party”, many boxes labelled “Cadden Moving” are piled up in Michael’s garage.
Carbondale is a town about a half hour’s drive from Scranton.
- In the episode “The Injury”, Ryan finds the pudding cups that Michael wanted at a gas station in Carbondale.
- In “Product Recall”, Oscar mentions in passing that he has an aunt who lives in Carbondale.
- Pam’s friend Isabelle is from Carbondale.
- In the episode “Goodbye Michael”, Pam tells Michael she is going to Carbondale to price some shredders.
Chuck E. Cheese
Chuck E. Cheese is a chain of children’s restaurants and activity centers. There is a Chuck E. Cheese in Dickson City, about ten minutes’ drive from Scranton.
- In the episode “The Injury”, Jim sarcastically says that they’re going to Chuck E. Cheese. Michael, taking him literally, complains that he’s so sick of going to Chuck E. Cheese.
Cooper’s Seafood
Cooper’s Seafood is a seafood restaurant and an institution in Scranton since 1948. It also features the Dunder Mifflin Gift Shop.
- In the episode “Branch Closing”, Kevin suggests having the office farewell lunch at Cooper’s.
- In the episode “The Merger”, Karen invites Jim to Cooper’s for drinks.
- In the episode “Beach Games“, Dwight wears a Cooper’s Seafood T-shirt.
- In the episode “Launch Party”, Dwight mentions that Cooper’s has calamari when Michael says he wants sushi.
- In the episode “Business Ethics”, Michael takes Holly to lunch at Cooper’s. In one of the shots in this scene, a statue of a captain is shown, another copy of which Andy is shown knocking off his desk in the season 8 title sequence.
- In the episode “The Banker”, Michael offers the investment banker a meal at Cooper’s.
Crystal Soda
The Crystal Soda Water Company is a family-run soda company in Scranton. The company went out of business sometime between 2006 and 2013.
- In the episode “Sexual Harassment”, many cans of soda are on the table when Michael and the warehouse crew watch watch the sexual harassment video: One root beer (red can), two Swiss creme (blue cans), a ginger ale (white can with green logo), and a cola (white can with red logo).
- In a deleted scene from the episode “Sexual Harassment”, Dwight berates Jim for not washing his can of Crystal Soda (cola flavor).
- In the episode “The Client”, Pam buys two cans of Crystal Soda cola from the vending machine for the rooftop dinner.
- In the episode “Performance Review”, Jim and Pam drink Crystal Soda (cola and orange flavor, respectively) in the break room when they discuss Michael and Jan.
- In the episode “Email Surveillance”, Jim and Pam drink Crystal Soda (cola and orange flavor, respectively) in the kitchen when Michael joins them for lunch.
- In the episode “The Carpet“, a can of Crystal Soda ginger ale is on the table in the break room when Pam and Roy have lunch.
- In the “Faces of Scranton” video (a bonus feature of the Office season 2 DVD), Pam and Jim wave to the camera in the break room. Pam has a can of Crystal “Birchola” (a birch beer/cola blend) in front of her; Jim has a Crystal Soda cola.
- In the episode “Conflict Resolution”, when Michael talks about shiatsu massage, Creed has a can of Crystal Soda in his hand (flavor unclear), and there is a can of Crystal Soda (cola flavor) on his desk.
- In the episode “The Coup”, Dwight buys a can of Crystal Soda cola from the vending machine.
- In the episode “Initiation”, a can of Crystal Soda cola is on Jim’s desk in Stamford.
Cugino’s is a small Italian restaurant in nearby Dunmore.
- In a deleted scene from the episode “The Client”, Jim describes his “worst first date” that took place at Cugino’s.
- In the episode “Dwight’s Speech”, the ninth place prize is Cugino’s pizza.
- In the episode “Branch Closing”, Kevin suggests having the office farewell lunch at Cugino’s.
- The Lazy Scranton music video shown in “The Merger” is shown in its entirety at the end of “The Banker”, in which Michael and Dwight sing that they like Cugino’s for the tasty bread.
Dickson City
Dickson City is a town that borders Scranton to the Northeast about 10 minutes from Downtown.
- In the episode “Take Your Daughter to Work Day”, Michael sends Ryan to his mother’s house in Dickson City.
Dee Jay’s
Dee Jay’s is a Scranton restaurant that features chicken wings.
- In the episode “Branch Closing”, Phyllis suggests having the office farewell lunch at Dee Jay’s.
Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply, Inc.
Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply, is a Scranton-based uniform rental and linen supply company.
- In the episode “The List”, Dempsey’s mascot, the “Y-Guy” appears on Stanley’s desk.
The Electric City sign
Scranton’s nickname is The Electric City, and there is an electric sign proclaiming this atop the Scranton Electric Building downtown.
- In the episode “The Coup”, a daytime photo of the sign can be see on the wall above Kelly’s desk.
- In the “Lazy Scranton” video in the episode “The Merger”, Michael wears an “Electric City” T-shirt, though it does not depict the eponymous sign. The sign is shown behind Michael in two scenes of the video, at night and during the day.
Fantastic Sam’s
Fantastic Sam’s is a chain of hair salons. The location nearest to Scranton is in Wilkes-Barre, a half hour’s drive away.
- In the episode “Conflict Resolution”, Michael gets his hair cut there to look good for the ID photos.
Farley’s Restaurant
Farley’s was a restaurant that used to be in downtown Scranton. It has since closed and has been replaced by a convenient market.
- In the episode “Basketball”, Darryl suggests that the loser of the basketball game treat the winners to dinner at Farley’s.

Froggy 101
Froggy 101 is a local country music radio station.
- Starting in the episode “The Dundies“, a Froggy 101 bumper sticker is stuck to Dwight’s filing cabinet.
Gerrity’s is a grocery store chain with several locations in the Scranton area.
- In the episode “Goodbye, Toby”, Kevin calls Michael to come and meet him at Gerrity’s where he has run into a pregnant Jan.
- Though not a real Gerrity’s in the episode, it was made to look similar to the location on South Main.
Gertrude Hawk
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates is a chocolate and candy company based in nearby Dunmore.
- In many episodes, Gertrude Hawk products can be seen in the vending machine. Their label is cream with a colored dot pattern. The color indicates the flavor.
- In the episode “Casino Night”, Creed steals a Gertrude Hawk Almond candy bar from the vending machine.
- The gift baskets in ” “Dunder Mifflin Infinity”” contain Gertrude Hawk goodies.
The Glider Diner
The Glider Diner is located in North Scranton.
- In the episode “Goodbye, Toby”, Michael suggests Holly go to the Glider to eat.
Gricco’s is an Italian Restaurant in Exeter, 15 minutes away from Scranton
- In the episode “Andy’s Ancestery“, Pam asks fake Jim about the reservations to Gricco’s.
Harry Houdini Museum
- In Get the Girl Nellie mentions the museum being the only interesting thing in Scranton.
Hooters is a chain of restaurants serving traditional American food. It targets a male clientele with buxom waitresses. The nearest Hooters to Scranton, in King of Prussia, is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes away, making it an unrealistic choice for a lunch outing.
- In the episode “The Secret”, Michael takes Jim to lunch at Hooters.
- In the episode “Casino Night”, Hooters caters the event.
- In the episode “Branch Closing”, Kevin suggests having the office farewell lunch at Hooters.
- In the episode “The Merger”, Angela accuses Hannah of behaving as if she were at a Hooters strip club. Michael defends the restaurant chain.
- In the episode “A Benihana Christmas”, Michael guesses that Andy is taking him to Asian Hooters. (They go to Benihana.)
Jitterz was a gourmet coffee shop in the Steamtown Mall, near the food court, it has been replaced by a candy store.
- In the episode “Take Your Daughter to Work Day”, Stanley’s daughter Melissa mentions a coffee shop “Jitterz” at the Steamtown Mall.
The Lackawanna County Coal Mine Tour
The Lackawanna County Coal Mine Tour in Scranton is a tour of a former coal mining facility. It is a must do if you visit Scranton.
- In the episode “Health Care”, Michael consults a Mine Tour brochure and calls the organization under the mistaken impression that the coal elevator is a thrill ride.
Keyser Valley Auto Parts
Keyser Valley Auto Parts is a business selling auto parts in Scranton.
- In the episode, “Golden Ticket,” Dwight and Michael can be seen strolling by the business and a sign is also seen saying the name of the company.
Lake Scranton
Lake Scranton, located in East Scranton, is owned and operated by the Pennsylvania Water Company. It has a 3.5 mile walking/jogging trail around it.
- In the episode “Beach Games“, Michael takes the office to Lake Scranton to try and determine a replacement. The actual lake in Scranton does not have a beach, only a paved walking trail.
- In the episode “Dunder Mifflin Infinity”, Michael drives his car into the lake after mistaking directions from his GPS. On the actual lake there is no area to drive a car into it from that road.
Lake Wallenpaupack
Lake Wallenpaupack is man-made reservoir used for hydroelectric power.
- The “Booze Cruise” takes place on Lake Wallenpaupack.
- In the episode “Traveling Salesmen”, Michael asks a potential client if he caught a fish at Lake Wallenpaupack.
Marywood University
Marywood University is a Catholic university in Scranton.
- On her MySpace page, Jenna Fischer’s imaginary biography of Pam Beesly describes her as an alumna of Marywood University, majoring in Art from 1998-2000
Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center
The Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center is in Scranton.
- In the episode “Drug Testing”, Michael talks about an Alicia Keys concert at the Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center.
- In the episode “Fun Run”, Jim says that he is going mountain biking at Montage Mountain.
Niko-Bella Deli
The Niko-Bella Deli is a delicatessen in Scranton.
- In the episode “Michael’s Birthday“, the Dwight orders an eight-foot sub but gets eight one-foot subs instead. The delivery man is wearing a Niko-Bella jacket and cap.
Old Forge Bank
Old Forge Bank is located in Old Forge.
- In the webisode “Money Trouble”, Kevin goes to Old Forge Bank for a small business loan.
- In the episode “The Duel”, Angela has a money bag from Old Forge Bank on her desk.
The Poconos
The Pocono Mountains are a popular recreation area approximately thirty miles south of Scranton.
- In the episode “The Carpet“, Pam returns from her vacation in the Poconos.
- In NBC promos aired prior to the start of Season 4, Angela mentions in a talking head interview that she went to the Poconos with a “gentleman friend” (Dwight) where he shot something.
- In the episode “The Chump” when asking for suggestions of activities he can do with Donna, the suggestion of going to the Poconos comes up. Michael replies that they have already been there.
The Radisson is a chain of mid-range hotels. There is a Radisson in downtown Scranton in the former Lackawanna Train Station.
- In the episode “The Client”, Jan initially scheduled the client meeting at the Radisson. Michael says that the Radisson is too snooty.
- In the episode “Dwight’s Speech”, Dwight gives his speech at the Radisson. The Universal Studios Sheraton Hotel stood in for the Radisson.
- In the episode “Dream Team”, Charles Miner tells Kelly and the rest of the office that he is staying at a hotel. David Wallace mentions Charles staying at the Scranton Radisson when he addresses the office with Charles for the first time.
The crew stayed at the Radisson during their visits to Scranton for the Office Convention in 2007 and the Office Wrap Party at the conclusion of the series.[1]
Rite Aid
Rite Aid is a U.S. chain of drugstores. There are many stores in Scranton. It so happens that the chain was founded in Scranton.
- In the episode “Hot Girl”, Ryan discovers an empty bottle of “Night Swept” cologne from Rite Aid. (The brand name is made-up.)
- In the episode “Michael’s Birthday“, Pam and Jim go shopping at a Rite Aid. Among other things, they buy a bottle of “Night Swept”.
- In the episode “Counseling” Dwight mentions that he went to the Steamtown Mall to get Mose’s blood pressure checked at the Rite Aid.
Rock 107
Rock 107 is a popular rock music radio station in Scranton.
- In the episode “The Carpet“, Dwight tries to win a Jethro Tull box set from the station by being the 107th caller. In real life, the station asks for the 7th caller.
- In the “Lazy Scranton” video in the episode “The Merger”, Dwight wears a “Rock 107” T-shirt.
Scranton Chamber of Commerce
The Scranton Chamber of Commerce is an organization devoted to improving relationships among Scranton businesses.
- Since the Pilot episode, a blue “Scranton Chamber of Commerce” plaque hangs on the wall in the reception area.
- In nearly all episodes (with the notable exception of the Pilot episode), a metal “Scranton Chamber of Commerce” pencil cup sits on the reception desk.
- The banners on lampposts around town are supplied by the Chamber of Commerce and feature the logos of its members. Until recently the banner in front of the Municipal Building featured the logo of Dunder Mifflin although Dunder Mifflin is unsearchable in their members database. The banner is presumed stolen.
Scranton Travel
Scranton Travel is a travel agency at 50 Adams Avenue in Scranton.
- In the episode “Health Care”, Michael visits Scranton Travel to organize a trip to Atlantic City.
Sid & Dexter
Sid & Dexter is a restaurant and entertainment business modeled after Dave & Buster’s.
- In the episode “Happy Hour”, an after-work happy hour get-together takes place here.
Spencer Gifts
Spencer Gifts is a chain of novelty gift stores. There is a store in Scranton inside the Viewmont Mall.
- In the Pilot episode, Michael mentions that he bought his “World’s Best Boss” mug at Spencer Gifts.
Steamtown Mall
The Mall at Steamtown (informally known as the Steamtown Mall) is a shopping center in downtown Scranton. It is currently known as The Marketplace at Steamtown.
- In the episode “Take Your Daughter to Work Day”, Stanley’s daughter Melissa mentions a coffee shop “Jitterz” at the Steamtown Mall.
- In the episode “Women’s Appreciation”, Michael takes the women of the office to the Steamtown Mall.
- In the episode “Casual Friday”, Pam mentions that she and Phyllis bought their outfits at Boscov’s at the Steamtown Mall.
Stroudsburg is a town about an hour’s drive from Scranton.
- In the episode “The Injury”, Michael sends Ryan to Stroudsburg to get yams.
- In the episode Gossip, where Stanley is cheating on his wife, this is where it occurred. It was a real bar in downtown Scranton.
University of Scranton
The University of Scranton is a Jesuit university in Scranton.
- In the episode “Basketball”, Jim is wearing a U of S t-shirt during the game.
- In the episode “Email Surveillance”, Jim’s housemate wears a University of Scranton sweatshirt.
- At the end of the episode “The Fight”, when Toby tells Michael, “We want to go home,” a University of Scranton scarf sits atop a pile of papers on Stanley’s desk.
- Starting with the episode “Gay Witch Hunt“, a University of Scranton scarf hangs over the partition between Pam and Angela’s workspaces.
- According to a fictitious press release, Ryan attended the Kania School of Management at the University of Scranton.
Wegmans is a grocery store chain based in Rochester, New York. The chain is spread throughout the Northeast states and has a store located in Dickson City. Their products have begun appearing in The Office since “Fun Run”.
- In “Fun Run”, Michael is eating Wegmans cereal with organic soy milk. Later, the office workers can be seen drinking WPOP (Wegmans Pop).
- In “Launch Party”, Jim and Pam can be seen drinking Wegmans cola on the roof near the end of the episode.
- In “Branch Wars”, Dwight empties a Wegmans Diet Soda and pees in the can.
- In “Goodbye, Toby”, Holly is drinking Wegmans Diet Pop when Michael asks her to “not move a muscle”.
- In a deleted scene from “Did I Stutter?”, a can of Wegmans cola sits on the break room table in front of Pam.
- In “Broke”, Ryan has a can of Wegmans cola.
- Since Season 3, there have been various boxed food products from Wegmans located on top of the refrigerator in the kitchen area of the office.
William-Edwards Florists
William-Edwards Florists is a flower shop in Scranton.
- In the episode “Valentine’s Day”, Phyllis’s flowers come from William-Edwards. The delivery person’s jacket is authentic, confirmed by the daughter of the shop owners.
Wilkes-Barre (pronounced Wihlks Barry”) is a city about a half hour’s drive from Scranton. It is slightly more than half the size of Scranton.
- In the episode “Michael’s Birthday“, Dwight’s gives Michael a jersey for the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins, a local professional hockey team that plays in Wilkes-Barre.
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport (IATA: AVP) is the nearest airport, located in Avoca.
- A deleted scene from “Back From Vacation” shows Michael returning from Jamaica at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Yankees
- Magnet on kitchen fridge