A Doctor Is Using Oysters To Treat Patients With Anxiety And Depression

A Doctor Is Using Oysters To Treat Patients With Anxiety And Depression
This information was been published on April 5, 2019 and may be out of date. Please see our current specials above. https://www.coopers-seafood.com/events/

And he’s got the science to back it up!

Buck a Shuck Oysters 5-7 every Monday to Friday at Cooper’s

Dr. Drew Ramsey is prescribing his patients an alternative treatment for anxiety and depression that deviates from the standard Prozac, Zoloft, and Celexa: oysters. Yep, we’re talking about shellfish. According to the Columbia University assistant professor and psychiatrist, the popular dish can improve mental health.

Ramsey credits the food’s high vitamin b12 for reducing brain shrinkage, while noting the link between long chain omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies and depression, New York Times reports. Given the oyster’s high level of the polyunsaturated fatty acid, they can reduce symptoms.

It’s a treatment method his patients are clearly fond of. In fact, one took Ramsey’s advice a step further and ordered three dozen oysters in one weekend. “You’re the only person I’ve prescribed them to who came back and said he ate 36!” Ramsey reportedly told the 48-year-old, who was suffering from mild depression and anxiety.

Ramsey’s belief in the ties between food and mental health extends beyond shellfish. In fact, the psychiatrist has published a number of books exploring the “food mood connection.” The author of “Eat Complete,” “Fifty Shades of Kale,” and “The Happiness Diet,” claims poor diet choices can contribute to depression.


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How do we protect our brain health? Can you use your fork? Thank you @katrin.kristin for this sketch of my @ted talk. It’s especially meaningful to me this Monday! The @nytimes piece on Nutritional Psychiatry was the most popular story this weekend. With so many people reacting to and sometimes misinterpreting my work and intentions, I’m grateful to see this simple brainfood idea on paper. Like really grateful. 🙏 Your health is determined by your genetics and your environment. The environmental factor most in YOUR control is your food. Certain foods contain particular nutrients that evidence suggests are most important for your 🧠. Those foods should form the foundation of your food plan. Simple. What foods do you eat to protect your brain? . . . #brainfood #sketchnote #brainhealth #mentalhealth #physician #selfcare #eatcomplete #drewramseymd #foodasmedicine #doctor #doclife #happinessdiet #feedme #anxiety #depression #plantbased #guthealth #nourish #anxietyrelief #moodboost #shrink #therapy #integrative #psychiatry #psychiatrist #healthyeats #foodandmood #🧠

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While food can certainly impact symptoms, Ramsey is not replacing medicine all together. Instead he often pairs antidepressants, therapy, and further counseling with dietary suggestions.

Dr. Ramsey’s patient—you know, the one who downed 36 oysters in two days—agrees with his psychiatrist’s efforts, the NYT continues. “It’s one part of the whole package that helps alleviate my depression and helps me to feel better,” he said, claiming he follows a diet that’s low in fatty meat and processed, fried foods, too.